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文档介绍:成 绩
徐 州 工 程 学 院
09 级 土木房建( 2 ) 班课程考试试卷
考试科目 专业英语
学生姓名 蔡斌
所在院系 土木学院
任课教师 刘志勇
the durability of concrete
In civil engineering, concrete is the most versatile, the dosage of one of the biggestbuilding materials. For hundreds of years, the strength of concrete continuous improvement to be it main trend of development. Developed countries more and more use more than 50 MPa of high strength concrete. Some experts consider the foresight to some engineering needs, put forward in high strength, but also put forward the durability and construction requirements of workability, especially in recent five years, in a lot of important engineering have successfully by high performance concrete.
the durability of concrete
High performance concrete with rich technical content, although trade for high performance concrete have different definitions and explain, but each other are the basic characteristics of the high performance concrete that is according to the durability design, construction and to ensure that mixing content is forming, does not occur or less as far as possible by temperature and shrinkage occurred from the crack, hardening the enough strength after, internal pore structure reasonable and have low permeability and high


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