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文档介绍:第三章词汇的翻译英汉语的词义对比?词汇意义的七种类型: ?外延意义(概念意义)( denotative meaning ) ?内涵意义( connotative meaning) ?风格意义( stylistic meaning) ?情感意义( affective meaning) ?联想意义( reflective meaning) ?搭配意义( collocative meaning) ?主题意义( thematic meaning) ?---- 杰弗里 N 利奇“ semantics ” ?英语词汇的语义范围大于汉语词汇,如英语中的 kill 一词和汉语中的“杀”。?1) She hysterically screamed, “ I'll kill you! ”?她歇斯底里地叫着: “我要杀了你!”? 2) Three men were killed in the accident. ?有3个男子在事故中丧生。? 3) The driver killed the engine before he left the car. ?司机在离开车子前将发动机关掉了。? 4) Your joke nearly killed me. ?你的笑话真是笑死人了。? 5) I often read some novel to kill time when I am alone at home. ?当我一个在家时,我常通过读小说来消磨时光。?汉语词汇语义范围大于英语,以“实践、经验”与“ practice and experience ”为例?6)总之,几年的实践证明,我们搞改革、开放的路子走对了。? In a word, our achievements in the last few years have proved the correctness of our policies of reform and opening to the outside world. ?7)社会主义中国应该用实践向世界表明, 中国反对霸权主义、强权政治、永不称霸。? Socialist China should show the world through its actions that it is opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony. ?这两句话中的“实践”分别译为“ achievement ”和“ action ”,因为它们的意义显然不是 practice 一词所能涵盖的。?再如汉语中的“服”与英语中的“ take ”?8)她必须服镇静剂来使她的神经镇定。? She has to take sedatives to calm her nerves. ?9)但是现在我对这项工作的价值更加信服。? But I am more convinced than ever of the value of that work. ?10)我们必须服从命令。? We must obey orders. ?11)哪儿能啊,我只是刚来有点儿水土不服罢了。? Come on, it's because I just arrived and haven't acclimated yet. ?12)他们由于健康不佳而不能服兵役。? Their health disqualified them from military service. ?13)他在服刑五年后从狱中释放出来。? He was released from prison after serving a sentence of five years. 词汇的内涵意义不同?春天( spring ):生机盎然、生机勃勃?男子汉( man ):刚强、勇气?荷花( lotus flower ):出淤泥而不染,西方文化中没有这种涵义。?菊花( chrysanthemum ):高洁淡雅,在西方文化中有“死亡”的内涵意义。词汇的情感意义不同?历史和文化背景的不同,决定了英汉两种语言部分词汇的不同情感意义。?龙? propaganda 词汇的联想意义不同?有的词并不具备特殊内涵,但却很容易使人联想起另一事物。?社会交际: munication ?不用 social intercourse ?干杯: cheers! ? bottom up !(臀部、屁股) ? 词汇的搭配意义不同?同一词与不同词搭配产生不同联想,赋予不同意义。? girl boy ?