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文档介绍:Hydraulic System剞撬氚鱿刻莪扈浦庞蟛水湓苴挺
There are only three basic methods of transmitting power:Electrical,mechanical.and fluid power.Most applications actually use a combination of the three methods to obtain the most efficient overall system.To properly determine which principle method to use。it is important to know the salient features of each type.For example,fluid systems call transmit power more economically Over greater distances than Can mechanical types.However。fluid systems are淬霪熊锖敫邪***甾滞尼嚷拂叮呸
restricted to shorter distances than are electrical systems.呱白斫销噌犯爱穸绯喔郇灏錾岫
Hydraulic power transmission system ale concerned with the generation, modulation, and control of pressure and flow and ,and in general such systems include: 灸枯春案废菀等沙隍鹣穗万锴鹳
1.Pumps which convert available power from the prime mover to hydraulic power at the actuator.暄信枰廪榷芜鹿俣汀襁烤附跻旎
2.Valves which control the direction of pump--flow,the level of power produced,and the amount of fluid一一flow to the actuators.The power level is determined by controlling both the flow and pressure level.谝薜红萌饔嗵瞪楹褛剑帜葫矜塞
3.Actuators which convert hydraulic power to usable mechanical power Output at the point required.鞔楚茌刷炖兵觥硖女氙糁踯湃呐
4.The medium,which is a liquid,provides rigid transmission and control as well as 1ubrication of component s,sealing in valves.and cooling of the system.攮桐姚液裂途碍创汜龊醯剩狁夹
5.Connectors which link the various system components,provide power conductors for the fluid under pressure,and fluid flow return to tank(reservoir). .柚杠吞审喟彻唼表残灯岬汩促铣
6、Fluid storage and conditioning equipment which ensure sufficient quality and quantity as well as cooling of the fluid.蓄讳枭侣胎下程摧懵涅珑泛极坛
7、pneumatics systems required a lubricator to inject。a very fine mist of oil into the air discharging from the pressure regulator.This prevents wear of the closely fitting moving parts of pneumatic纵滟印筛耄猾柄锿刀扩阻缰鼠姆
Hydraulic systems ale used in industrial applications such as stamping presses,steel mil