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上传人:sanshenglu2 2021/1/22 文件大小:123 KB




文档介绍:以下是Materials Letters的作者指南,我觉得它已经非常简明的说清楚整个投稿过程需要注意的东西
Guide for Authors   Materials LettersﻫﻫMaterials Letters is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. The journal provides a forum for materials scientists and engineers, physicists, and chemists to rapidly communicate on the most important topics in the field in materials。 We are primarily interested in those contributions which bring new insights, and papers will be selected on the basis of the importance of the new knowledge they provide. ﻫ
Contributions include a variety of topics such as: 
ﻫ• Materials — Metals and alloys, amorphous solids, ceramics, composites, nanocrystals, polymers, semiconductors。
• Applications — Structural, opto-electronic, magnetic, medical, MEMS, sensors, smart.
• Characterization — Analytical, microscopy, scanning probes, nanoscopic, optical, electrical, acoustic, spectroscopic, diffraction.
• Novel Materials — Micro and nanostructures (nanowires, nanotubes, nanoparticles), nanocomposites, thin films, superlattices, quantum dots.
Processing - Thin film processing, sol—gel processing, mechanical processing, assembly, and nanocrystalline processing leading to unique materials. ﻫ• Properties — Mechanical, magnetic, optical, electrical, ferroelectric, thermal, interfacial, transport, thermodynamic。 ﻫ• Synthesis — Quenching, solid state, solidification, solution synthesis, vapor deposition, and high pressure, explosive processes leading to unique materials.
ﻫThe following topics are inappropriate for publication: ﻫﻫBuilding materials - aggregate, asphalt, cement, concrete, plaster ﻫCatalytic materials ﻫCorrosion and oxidation phenomena and protection ﻫLiquid crystals ﻫMetallurgical Processes ﻫNatural raw materials – clays, minerals, rocks 
Oxide glasses and glass ceramics
Recycled materials ﻫRefractories
Single crystal growth ﻫTheory ﻫWear
Types of Contribution:
Letters are intended as