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文档介绍:Unit 1
Text A 
II. Language points
1. How successful you’ll be in making transitions among careers can at least be partially attributed to the amount of career planning and preparation you’ve done. (Para. 1) If you are well-prepared in making plans for your future career, the chances are that you might as well succeed in changing your career because how successfully you change your career may in part result from what preparations you’ve done in career planning.
2. Think of career planning as building bridges from your current job/career to your next job/career; without the bridge, you may easily stumble or lose your way, but with the bridge there is safety and directions. (Para. 2) You should regard making plans for your career as building bridges which are the transitions from your current job/career to your next job/career and may help you find the right door to the future.
3. And while career planning and career decision-making is an important aspect of your life, do not put so much pressure on yourself that it paralyzes you from making any real choices, decisions, or plans. (Para. 5)… don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make real choices, decisions, or plans.
4. To help you with your career planning, consider using the following exercises to their fullest potential. (Para. 6) … consider using the following exercises to their fullest degree/ as much as possible.
5. Reflect on the times and situations in which you feel most passionate, most energetic, most engaged — and see if you can develop a common pro these situations. (Para. 9) Consider the times and situations in which you feel most excited, most vigorous, most engrossed— and try to generalize the features these situations have in common.
6. Remember those papers you had to write as a kid about what you wanted to be when you grew up? (Para. 13) Do you still remember when you were little you were asked to write about what you would like to be in the future?
7. Take the time to revert back to


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