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上传人:sanshenglu2 2021/1/31 文件大小:32 KB




 one—year-old son, Alex, is already showing an interest_______ music.
A。 to B. in ﻩC。 on D. at
22. We have to put off the party till next Monday since______ people can come today.
A. few ﻩ B。 little C. a few ﻩD. a little
23。 Of all the problems, how to provide enough tents for the villagers is ________ one。
A. big ﻩﻩB. biggestﻩﻩC. the biggerﻩﻩD. the biggest
24. Try to get as much information of the company as possible, ______ you won’t succeed in the interview。
A。 and ﻩﻩ B. or ﻩC. so ﻩﻩD. for
25. If you really hope to make greater progress, you ______ spend more time on your study。
A. should ﻩ B. oughtﻩ C. needﻩ ﻩD. dare
26. The young man will run into trouble unless he ______ up the bad habit from now on。
A. has givenﻩﻩB. gives ﻩC. is givingﻩ D. gave
27. The children from Sichuan Province ______ English for about three years before they came to Shanghai。
A. learn B。 were learningﻩC。 have learned D. had learned
28. The tourists want to know when the famous Shaolin Temple______.
A. buildﻩ ﻩB。 builtﻩ C. was builtﻩﻩD. was building
29. Our classmates have decided ______ a meeting to discuss what we can do for the coming sports meet.
A. hold ﻩﻩB. heldﻩﻩﻩC。 to hold ﻩD. to holding
30。 Li Ming keeps _____ his skills and now he is one of the top workers in the factory.
A. developingﻩ


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