文档介绍:1 Bureau of Engraving and Printing Background ? 150+ year history of printing the nation ’ s currency ? Approximately 1,850 employees ? Manufacturing environment ? 2 facilities ? Washington . ? Fort Worth, TX. ? Non-appropriated. Funded by the Federal Reserve Board to cover costs associated with design and printing of notes. ? Heavily unionized environment ? 15 unions ? 19 bargaining units ? 18 labor contracts ? Joint Labor Council (JLC) that represents leadership of all unions ? Monthly Executive and JLC meeting 234 BEP “Best Places to Work ” Ranking (2007-2013) 5 BEP Ranking & Index data (2003-2013) Normalized for the number of Agencies in the Survey 6 BEP Employee Engagement Goals ? Drive employee engagement and empowerment through a dedicated journey (long term effort and improvements year over year - with some quick fixes ) ? Do the right thing for the BEP and as a result, improve our BPTW ranking (major strategic goal ) ? Improve accountability at all levels ? Improve supervisory and leadership skills at all levels ? Instill the BEP Core Values ? Integrity, Fairness, Performance and Respect ? e a World anization (as we defined it) focused on customer service and high quality ? Pre-decisional involvement of labor before key policy decisions are made 7 BEP Employee Engagement Improvement Journey BPTW Strategic Initiative Created by the Director 2009 Consultant report issued 2010 Focused BPTW Branding begins 2011 Implemented “ Aim 4 Yes! ” Motto, Credo, etc. 2012 Fort Worth-Specific Motivational Initiative 2013 Numerous Coaching & Mentoring sessions held Employee Roadshow pleted Employee Engagement Plan Approved and concurred with by labor leaders First Improvements Implemented Leadership & Engagement pleted Roadshow II conducted Implemented Coaching & Mentoring Program Frequent Engagement-munications Mini-surveys conducted to monitor employee satisfaction 2014 Focus Groups Conducted in conjunction with labor leaders Internal (FEVS Based) Sur