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文档介绍:第4章 文化价值观比较
Chapter 4 Comparing Cultural Values
Contents of Chapter Three Comparing Cultural Values
1. Cultural Values
Comparison Between Chinese Values and Western Values
Differences in expressing gratitude
Differences in symbolization
Differences in attitudes toward women
Comparison Between Chinese Values and American Values
Differences in friendship
Differences in time consciousness
Differences in conception of the self
Differences in approaches to tasks
Differences in social relationships
2. Cultural Dimensions
A Brief Introduction of Influential Cultural Patterns
Geert Hofstede and His Value Dimensions
A Brief Introduction of Geert Hofstede
Geert Hofstede’s Values Dimensions
Power Distance
Individualism Versus Collectivism
Masculinity Versus Femininity
Uncertainty Avoidance
Hall’s High-Context and Low-Context Cultures
High-Context Cultures
Low-Context Cultures
Other Dimensions
Formality Versus Informality
Time: Polychronic Versus Monochronic
Warm-up: Read the following sayings aloud, and think it over: what do they mean to you?
Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart. 性相近,习相远 --论语---- Confucian saying
God gave to every people a cup, cup of clay, and from this cup they drank life… They all dipped in the water, but their cups were different.
---- Ruth Benedict
上帝给了每个人一个杯子、一杯粘土,并且人们从这个杯子里面啜饮人生...他们都是浸在水里面的,只是他们的杯子不一样而已 ----本尼迪克特
Groups, societies, or cultures have values that are largely shared by their members. The values identify those objects, conditions or characteristics that members of the society consider important; that is, valuable. In the United States, for example, values might include material c


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