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文档介绍:Intercultural Communication
Lecture One and Two
--To help you improve your English, especially your ability t some Chinese friends. At first they asked me some pretty easy questions about how long I had been in China, what country I was from, and so forth. But then the questions started getting more complicated and harder for me to understand and answer; also, sometimes when I was struggling to answer a question the students would laugh. That kind of bothered me, and I felt like they were making fun of me. Then one of the students said something that I thought was a little weird. “Wo men zuo pengyou ba.” I mean, I did originally hope to make friends with them, but I didn’t expect someone I hardly knew to just say “Let’s be
Letter to Fran—A case study
Friends!” That seemed a little strange and rather pushy. BY that point, I was feeling a little uncomfortable, so I just made an excuse and left.
I’m not quite sure what to make of this experience. I can’t tell if the students were enjoying themselves at my expense; I’m also not sure if they are trying to get something from me. Finally, if I see them again I’m not sure if I should talk to them, or maybe just try to avoid them.
You know China a lot better than I do, so any advice or suggestions you have would be appreciated.
Part of the problem was that Pete’s Chinese wasn’t very good, so it was hard for him to communicate.
It seems likely that Pete didn’t understand Chinese culture very well, and this made it harder for him to understand why the students acted as they did.
Another part of the reason lies in the way Pete handled this intercultural communication situation. When the Chinese students did or said things that seemed strange to him, he tended to jump to conclusions.
Pete’s problems
--(1967): Culture is a complex whole


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