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文档介绍:毕业论文毕业论文(设计) 论文( 设计) 题目: 汽车发动机的维护与保养所属系别` 专业班级姓名学号指导教师撰写日期年月毕业论文摘要每个人都有一颗心脏,如果心脏停止跳动,生命也将随之消逝。汽车也不例外, 发动机就是汽车的心脏,保养的好与坏直接影响着汽车的性能和它的使用寿命。为了让我们的爱车远离“心脏病”, 就要像爱护自己的心脏一样爱护汽车的发动机。发动机是汽车的四大组成部分中最重要、最昂贵、最复杂的部分,通常我们把发动机比作汽车的气自脏”。在汽车的日常使用过程中,只有发动机正常工作,才能为汽车的行驶提供源源不断的动力。因此,发动机性能的优劣直接影响汽车的使用性能和使寿命。要想使发动机发挥最佳的性能并延长它的使用寿命, 就必须按照正确的操作方法对发动机进行日常维护和保养。关键词:发动机,维护,保养毕业论文 Abstract Everyone has a heart, if the heart stops beating, life will subsequently disappear. Car is no exception, the engine is the heart of the car, maintenance is good or bad directly affects the performance of the car and its service life. In order to make our car away from the "heart", we should take good care of your own heart the same as caring for the car engine. Car engine is the most important part of four ponents, the most expensive and plex of parts, usually a motor vehicle with the engine than the gas Zi dirty ". Ina car in the Daily Use only normal Gongzuo engine to the car driving endless power. Therefore, engine performance directly affect the car performance and life span. To play the best performance of the engine and extend its service life, we must follow the correct method of operation of the engine routine maintenance and maintenance . Key Words : engine, maintenance, maintenance 毕业论文目录 1引言.................................................................................................................................... 1 2 润滑系统............................................................................................................................ 1 机油变质及机油滤芯不畅........................................................................................... 1 车发动机机油使用注意事项......................................................................................... 2 3 进气系统............................................................................................................................ 3 进气系统需要保养的内容......................................................................................