文档介绍:姬松茸的功效和禁忌 姬松茸蛋白制备及分析研究
摘要以姬松茸子实体为原料,对姬松茸蛋白的制备工艺进行研究。用碱提酸沉法和酶法,采取4原因3水平L9正交试验确定最好提取方法和提取工艺;用SDS-PAGE测定蛋白质亚基分子质量分布。结果表明,碱提酸沉法提取的最好条件为:提取温度30 ℃,pH值,料液比1∶20,时间 h,提取率达%;酶法提取蛋白质的最好条件为:提取温度40 ℃,1%的酶液 mL,料液比1∶20,时间 h,提取率达%。酶法优于碱提酸沉法。姬松茸蛋白质等电点为,关键蛋白质亚基的分子量为 kD。
中图分类号文件标识码A文章编号 1007-573903-0349-02
WANG Zhen 1CHANG Ding-ran 2CHANG Ming-chang 1SUN Chun-you 1ZHANG Qiong-yu 1FENG Cui-ping 1 *
AbstractAgaricus blazei Murill was chosen as the raw material,protein preparation process was studied. Alkali extraction & acid precipitation and enzyme digestion were used for Agaricus blazei proteins extraction,the optimal extraction processing was determined by 4 factors and 3 levels orthogonal test. The subunit molecular weight distribution of extracted protein was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The results showed that the optimal extraction condition of alkaline extraction & acid precipitation is at 30 ℃,pH valne ,solid-liquid ratio 1∶20,for hours. The extraction rate reached %. The optimal extraction condition of enzyme digestion is 40 ℃, mL enzyme of 1%,solid-liquid ratio 1∶20,for hours. The extraction rate reached %. The isoelectric point of Agaricus blazei is ,and the molecular weight of major protein subunit is kD.
Key wordsAgaricus blazei;protein;preperation;alkaline extraction & acid preci