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我能行 儿歌《我能行》.docx

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我能行 儿歌《我能行》.docx

上传人:非学无以广才 2021/3/8 文件大小:18 KB


我能行 儿歌《我能行》.docx


文档介绍:我能行 儿歌《我能行》

  To say I am a walking train wreck is an understatement. You name it, I’ve hurt it: I’ve broken my right wrist; had a break that spiraled down through my right ankle; broken both big toes; jammed almost every finger; partially torn a 1)tendon in my right ankle; fractured my collarbone and broken my right 2)pinky twice. For all my injuries, I have one thing to blame: sports. I’ve played soccer, softball, basketball and baseball, 3)lacrosse and tennis, done cheerleading, and gymnastics, and been on swim, dive and football teams.
  My decision to play football came as a result of four little words: You can’t do it. Determined to prove my friends and family wrong, I sought the approval of my father. I failed. According to him, a girl’s job is to cheer from the 4)sidelines as the boys do the hard stuff. But that did not stop me. I knew how to get what I wanted and asked my mother. She agreed. She was the only person who believed in me.
  I put on my rib protector, shoulder pads, and helmet feeling nervous about my first practice. After stretching and 5)conditioning, it was time for the special drill, which consists of running at another player and trying not to get 6)annihilated.
  “McCarthy and Alexander 7)on the line.” It was my turn. Coach blew the whistle, I held the ball tightly and ran at the best player on the team with all my might. I got destroyed. P


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