is smaller than an insect’s mouth?
season is the most dangerous one?
’s too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at? all for three?
what day of a year do soldiers start wars in history?
many feet are in a yard?
person tries to make others smile most of the time?
what number can one take half and leave nothing?
has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?
many months have 28 days?
horses have six legs?
it eats.
Because it is also FALL.
fourth. When a war breaks out,they’ll have to march forth.
depends on how many people are standing in it.
number 8.
away the upper half and 0 is left.
of them. Each month has its 28th day.
horses have forelegs in front and two in back, so they all have six legs
1. What always travels on foot?
A shoe
2. Where can happiness always be found?
In the dictionary
3. What is higher without a head than with a head?
A pillow
4. Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?
He can't read
5. On which side does a bird have the most feathers?
The outside
6. What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?
7. What is never used until it's broken?
An egg
8. What's a skeleton?