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文档介绍:Classified Index: CODE: 10075 : NO : 20110914 A Disseration for the Degree of M. Translation Practice Report on the Translation of Metatranslatology Candidate: Zhang Kun Supervisor: Prof. Fan Zhihui Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Translation Specialty: English Translation University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May, 2013 摘要 I 摘要 伴随着世界上科学技术的迅速发展,学术理论文章在各国间的交流也越来越普遍, 而翻译则是其中不可或缺的重要一环。考虑到其在跨文化学术交流中的重要作用,本文在完成辜正坤先生《玄翻译学》翻译任务的基础上,主要针对学术论文英译汉的策略和方法进行了探讨。本报告共分为五个章节:分别为任务描述、任务过程、译前准备、案例分析和实践总结。报告的前两章,简要地介绍了任务的来源和内容以及翻译安排;第三章为译前准备阶段,包括文体分析、工具书的使用以及其它准备三部分。第四章分析了翻译过程中应用的翻译策略和技巧。在第五章实践总结中,主要根据自己在这次翻译实践中遇到的问题及解决方法,谈论了自己的经验和教训。本文旨在对学术理论文章的翻译进行探索, 从而为以后此领域翻译实践起到借鉴作用, 并期待与其他译者进行交流。关键词 文体特征译前准备翻译策略和方法 Abstract II Abstract Along with the rapid development of scie nce and technology worldwide, academic communications among different countries have e mon. However, translation is an integral part of that process. In view of the important role of translation in cross-cultural exchanges in the field of academic research, the report di scusses the strategies and skills of translating academic papers from English to Chinese based on the translation practice of Metatranslotory authored by Professor Gu Zhengkun. There are five chapters in the report including task description, procedure descripti on, task preparation and the summary of the translation practice. In the first two chapters, the report briefly introduces the background and content as well as the procedures and methods of fulfilling the task. In the third chapter, it discusses preparatory work be fore translation which consists of stylistic analysis, the use of reference books and other preparations. In the fourth chapter, the report analyses translation strategies and skills used in the translation. In the fifth chapter, on the basis of difficulties and corresponding solutions during fulfillment of task, the rep


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