摘 要:体育课程应包含体育课堂教学、课余体育参加和浓厚的校园体育文化气氛三大部分。我们的课程改革概括为“三自主”、“三互动”、“三自治”、“三开放”。“三自主”模式是让学生自主选择运动项目、自主选择任课老师,自主选择上课时间;“三互动”模式是老师和学生互动,课内和课外互动、现场和网络互动;“三自治”模式是课余体育锻炼自治、课余体育竞赛自治、课余体育训练自治;“三开放”模式是时间开放、空间开放、资源开放。十年实践表明,该体育课程模式既能提升大学体育课程教育的质量,又培养了大学生自主参加体育的意识,有效完成大学体育课程培养的目标。
The Construction and Implementation of the Mode of Four Threes of College Curriculums
CHEN Xiao�rong
(Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, Guangdong, China)
Abstract: curriculum should include three parts of class teaching, after�class sports participation, and campus sports culture atmosphere. The curriculum reform is summarized as Four Threes, Three Independents, Three Interactions, Three Self�governments, and Three Opens. The mode of Three Independents is that college students independently choose events, teachers, and class time. The mode of Three Interactions is the interaction between teachers and students, the interaction between class and after�class, and the interaction between spot and network. The mode of Three Self�governments is that college students self�govern after�class exercises, after�class competitions, and after�class training. The mode of Three Opens is open time, open space, and open resources. Ten years practice show that these modes can improve the quality of college curriculum, cultivate college students" sense of participation, and effectively complete the goal of college curriculum.
Key words: curriculum; teaching; curriculum mode; teaching club
1 大学体育课程“四三”模式解读
10多年前,在大学体育教学实践中, 我们发觉传统的大学体育课教学已经无法适宜大学生对体育课的需求,难以调动大学生上好体育课的主动性。我们依据当代教育、当代体育和当代学校体育的发展趋势,遵照本校“办学以学生为本,育人以素质为本,有教无类,因材施教,厚积薄发,经世致用”的教育理念。力图打造一个含有特色的、新型的,符合青年大学生身心需要的大学体育课程新模式。这一模式的关键和宗旨就是使学生在校学习生活中,全过程全方位的接收体育教育。