文档介绍:Geographical Science Research 地理科学研究, 2018, 7(4), 353-362
Published Online November 2018 in Hans.
Land Use Degree and Spatial
Autocorrelation Analysis in Kunming City
Weimei Luo1, Lede Niu2*, Na Lu3
1Yingjiang Middle School for Nationalities, Dehong Yunnan
2Tourism and Geography College of Yunnan Normal University, Kunming Yunnan
3Kunming Experimental School Affiliated to Sichuan Normal University, Kunming Yunnan
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Received: Oct. 22 , 2018; accepted: Nov. 6 , 2018; published: Nov. 14 , 2018
This paper applies the theory of spatial correlation, based on ENVI remote sensing image inter-
pretation and the land use data of 14 counties in Kunming, to analyze the spatial autocorrelation
of land use structure and land use degree in Kunming in 2005, 2011 and 2015 with Moran Index I.
The research shows: 1) The share of cultivated land and vegetation coverage in the land use
structure of Kunming are large, but the area of cul