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“The Angel in the House”――a ethical standard of emphasis to female virginity has sunk deep into the hearts of people in the Victorian Age. It was this man-eating value that killed Tess step by step.
  Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Tomas Hardy’s most famous novel, tells the tragic life story of a beautiful country girl, Tess Durbeyfield, who was seduced by Alec, abandoned by her husband, Angel and sentenced and hanged for her committing murder in the end. I sympathized with her misfortune and finally I found it was “The Angel in the House” who murdered Tess.
  As Virginia Woolf said “‘The Angel in the House’ was so constituted that she never had a mind or a wish of her own, but preferred to sympathize always with the minds and wishes of others. Above all――I need not say it――She was pure. Her purity was supposed to be her chief beauty――her blushes, her great grace. In those days――the last of Queen Victoria――every house had its Angel.” ②Indeed, hiding in everybody’s mind in the era Tess lived, even including her husband and her father, “The Angel in the House” tortured Tess wherever she was and killed the poor girl step by step. Here, I will reproduce the four steps of the murder’s committing the crime with details.
  The first step: At first, like other chaste beautiful girls, Tess was popular with people. However, it seemed Tess infuriated the “The Angel in