文档介绍:华中科技大学硕士学位论文 II 摘要我国新闻立法经历坎坷本文针对我国新闻立法问题进行了全面系统的探讨在回顾了我国新闻立法的历史进程之后文章对我国现行与新闻传播活动相关的法律法规的现实功能进行了分析在肯定了它们的相关积极作用的基础上指出现行新闻法制因法阶不高执法主体模糊实用性不强对权利与义务规定不平衡等问题而不能合理有效地调整新闻传播事业中方方面面的关系随后文章从建设社会主义民主化解WTO规则与国际公约带来的压力保障新闻从业人员的正当权益并充分发挥媒体社会作用三个层面论证了我国新闻立法的现实必要性作为对我国曾经进行的新闻立法实践的理性总结文章首次从分析新闻法草案着手探讨了其间的长短得失和对现在及以后的立法活动的启示并由展开对我国新闻立法的障碍因素的分析涉及到新闻自由的实现途径公民和自然人创办媒体党对新闻传播事业的管理与新闻法治之间的协调问题最后文章从相关单项立法努力的角度分析了当前国内在专门性新闻法缺省情况下作为补救途径而针对舆论监督和知情权进行的立法活动认为它能够积累必要的宝贵经验最终必然由此达到对新闻传播事业完善的法治关键词新闻传播活动新闻立法新闻法制新闻自由华中科技大学硕士学位论文 III Abstract Chinese legislation on media is a tough process, and this article aims at making an overall and systematic study on the subject. Starting with a review on the history of domestic journalistic legislation, the article makes an analysis on the actual function of the current legal system related to journalistic practice. Having affirmed its positive impacts, the author points out that the current legal system fails to adjust, efficiently or forcefully, the relations between journalism and the state, the society, as well as the public, which is cause by some inner limitations like its low legal rank, ambiguous legal executors, faint applicability, unfair regulations on rights and obligations, and so forth. Then the article decides that a special law on journalism is badly needed in China, which goes from the following three aspects: to construct socialistic democracy, to dispel the pressure brought by WTO regulations and international treaties, to safeguard the journalists’ legal rights and promote the media’s socialfunctions. As a rational summery to the historical journalistic legislation in China, the article, for the first time, probes into the drafts of the press law in the past, discussing their aspiring sides and ings and, their use for further reference. Based on that, the article sheds light on theobstacles of Chinese journalistic legislation, includes such elements as the approaches to realize the freedom of press, the possibility of natural