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Blacklick Valley CSI.doc

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Blacklick Valley CSI.doc

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/5/29 文件大小:0 KB


Blacklick Valley CSI.doc



文档介绍:Blacklick Valley CSI 1. Was this a murder ora suicide? 2. If this was a murder, who is the culprit? 3. Ina short paragraph explain what you believe was the motive. 4. Evidence: (Write all answers plete sentences) A: The Scene B: The Note ( Be sure to explain the things that mon between the crime scene note and the Sample handwriting) -Staple the crime Scene note and the Suspect report sheet to this paper. Circle mon likenesses C: The Blood Test (In your paragraph be sure to Identify all suspects blood.): D: The Fiber Test: E: The Hair Analysis: F: The Fingerprint Analysis (Cut out and tape Crime Scene Fingerprint and Culprit fingerprint with your 8 points monality): 5. Why is knowing that the bathrobe was new and just given to her the day before important?