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新概念上LESSON 121-126.pdf

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新概念上LESSON 121-126.pdf

上传人:慢慢老师 2021/5/3 文件大小:138 KB


新概念上LESSON 121-126.pdf


文档介绍:新概念上LESSON 121-126 练****题
1. 从A B C D 中选出正确的选项
1 He finished this difficult work ________
A by himself B in himself C by him D for himself
2 May I use your pen? Sorry , I forget ____ it today.
A take B to take C takes D taking
3 The man ____ is our teacher
A who is standing there B who standing there
C whose is standing there D is standing there
4 Look at this picture .______
A How a beautiful picture B \How beautiful picture
C What a beautiful picture D What beautiful picture
5 This is the most interesting book ______
A that I have ever read B that I’ll read
C which I have ever read D which I’ll read
6 It’s very cold outside. You’d better ____ your coat.
A put B put in C put off D put on
7 I want go to the bookstore . Would you like to go ____ me ?
A in B for C on D with
8 This is the dress ______ last month
A which I bought it B which I bought
C that I bought it D who I bought
9 This pair of shoes is ___ large ___ me .
A too; to B enough; to C too ; for C much ; to
10 This is the girl ____ yesterday.
A who I meet B who I meet C whom I meet D that I meet
2. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1 Bob ____(* go ) to school because he was ill.
2 The girl who we ____( see ) just now is my classmate
3 By the end of last week , I ____( read) three
