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文档介绍:上次打印时间:2020-5-17 6:50:00 !阳光资料库!题库新概念新概念上Iesson133- 20 王景凤 1
: .
New Concept English Book 1 lesson 133-138
1 ---How are you feeli ng now?
——I am feeling .
A happily B better C very tire D easily
2 ---- Let' s to see a film.
----Sorry, I have got time.
A go\ not B going \no C go \no D going \ not
3 The childre n depe nd their pare nts for food and clothes.
A in B at C on D with
4 He is report ing the n ews.
A sen sati on B sen sati onal C well D fine
5 He told us that he married n ext week.
A would get B got C will get D has got
6 ---- Will it rain tomorrow? .
A I hope so B I hope it C I hope that D I not hope
7 I saw him yesterday. He to En gla nd.
A mustn ' t have gone B can ' t have gone C must have gone D can ' t be
8 Tom did not play football well in the game. He ill then.
A must be B must have been C mustn ' t have been D can ' t be
9 Mary said that the earth around the sun.
A moved B moves C is movi ng D was movi ng
10- The boy his mother th at he didn ' t want to see the film with Mary.
A said B talked C spoke D told
1 --- He lost his key aga in!
---- That will be his (six) key.
2 What you do if you (get) lots of mon ey?
3 --- How are you feeling now. --- I ' m feeling very (tire).
4 The old man (retire) two years ago .