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上传人:lucas 2021/5/23 文件大小:168 KB




文档介绍:TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】
It is the best way for teachers to help students become more interested in a subject by explaining how this subject can help students live better outside school.
Nowadays, people attach greater importance to what measures teachers can take to attract students’ interests, thus making them have more motivation to study and learn effectively. Some people claim that it can be the best way to explain the importance and value of the subject to students, which can make them live better. However, I think the explanation of significance on subject can hardly be the ideal method.
In the first place, young students may have difficulties understanding the explanations of teachers, unwilling to follow the advice. To begin with, teenagers, who are in the states of adolescent psychological inversion, are not likely to adopt suggestions from their teachers on subjects, even though the advice can be correct and thoughtful for the futures of students. In fact, the more teachers explain, the more awful students may feel about the subjects, indicating that the explanations of teachers achieve the opposite of what they expect. What is more, due to young students’ lack of life experiences and the different perceptions, suggestions of teachers on subjects, especially those students
have few interests in, are not