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曼德拉简介 英文 完整PPT学习教案.pptx

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曼德拉简介 英文 完整PPT学习教案.pptx

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曼德拉简介 英文 完整PPT学习教案.pptx



曼德拉简介 英文 完整
His Birth
*Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei , South Africa on 18 july 1918
*His father was head of the famous tribe “Tembo”
*He died and Nelson was still young, but he was elected instead of his father and began preparing for the job
*Members of his tribe titled him “Madiba” that mean “great revered” and has become synonymous with “Nelson Mandela”
His Education
*Mandela completed his primary school in a boarding school in 1930.
* Then he began preparation for a BA degree from “Fort Hare” University but in 1940 he separated from the university with his friend “Oliver Tambo” accused of participating in a student strike.

*He has followed his studying by correspondence from Johannesburg and received BA and then joined Witwatersrand university to study law.
His Political activity
*Mandela began in the political opposition to the South African regime which was in the white minority’s hand.
So that the judgment was denied political rights and social and economic development of the black majority in South Africa.
African National Congress
*In 1943 He joined the African National Congress, which was calling for the defense of the rights of the black majority in South Senegal
*In 1961, Mandela became president of the military wing of the
*He held the presidency of the African Council (June 19


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