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文档介绍:内容提要徇私枉法犯罪是刑事诉讼活动中一种严重的犯罪行为。犯罪人身份特殊, 熟悉法律,做案手段隐蔽,枉法追诉或裁判行为,往往引发激烈的社会矛盾,严重破坏刑事诉讼活动的正常秩序,侵犯公民或单位的合法权利,动摇公众对法律的信任,损害法律的严一奸性,社会危害极大。山于现实的复杂性,对本罪的理解存在不少争议,使得本罪的查处工作而f肼艮多用难。本文试圈运用历史、实汪和比较的方法刈徇私扫:法罪做一分析研究,以求对本罪有一个令面准确的认识,期待对指导司法实践和完善法律规定有所裨益。本文共分四个部分。第一部分徇私枉法罪的历史沿革,对我国古代关于徇私枉法罪的法律规定作一回顾,参考国外关于本罪的规定,理清新中国关于本罪规定的发展变化。第二部分徇私枉法罪的犯罪构成,从本罪的概念入手,运用犯罪构成理论,从本罪的客体、客观方面、主体、主观方面作出全面分析。第三部分对本罪先后作出的几个立案标准比较分析,并对现行立案标准逐条解析。第四部分徇私枉法罪的司法认定,论述本罪的罪与非罪,此罪与彼罪的界限和刑事处罚。结论部分对本罪的立法完善提出意见和建议。 Abslract Jobbery crime aserious law-breaching behavior Criminal criminals are with special status,abundant knowledge of laws and covert criminal behavior of misusing law prosecution and adjudication contradictions most destroy the uorula[order of criminal proceedings,infringes ofcitizens or socia units,and further damages confidence of public on systenl and impairs solemnity of la'a,resulting severe jeopardy Due to plexity of socia authenticity,numerous disputes do prehension of crime,which investigation and punishment of crime confronted with a of This endeavors conduct research on thejobbery crime based on such methodologies as analysis,positive analysis and contrastive analysis so as to get prehensive and accurate understanding of crime,hoping beneficial thejudicial practices and the perfection oflaws,This divided four The part,entitled“the History of Jobbery Crime一,is to review the regulations concerning jobbery ancient China and trim the developments andchanges of the regulations and laws concerning jobbery since the foundation of New China with areference theregulations offoreign countries related second part,with a Constitution ofJobbery Crime”,issupposed make a deliberate analysis by applying the theories on the constitution ofcrime based theobject,theobjective aspect,the subject and thesubjective aspect,starting withthe concepts of crime The perform contrastive analysis on of registering cases mentioned essively and explain the current ofregistering cases one by