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文档介绍:列车检票 Boarding the Train
.欢迎您乘坐本次列车。Welcome aboard.
.列车员:请您出示一下车票。Crew: Your ticket, :给你。Passenger: Here it is.
.列车员:请您上车。Crew: please get on the train.
.列车员:您好,您是几号车厢? Crew: Hello, which carriage are you in, please?旅客:1 号车厢 34 号座位。Passenger: Seat of Carriage :这边请,靠中间的位置。Crew: This way, please. That seat in the middle.
.旅客:这是几号车厢? Passenger: Which carriage is this, please?列车员:这是 5 号车厢。Crew: Carriage 5.
.旅客:7 号车厢怎么走? Passenger: Excuse me, how can I get to Carriage 7?列车员:7 号车厢, 您往前走; 走过两节车厢。 Crew: Please go ahead and pass the next two carriages.
.旅客:你们这怎么也没车号呢? Passenger: Excuse me, why are there no carriage numbers? 列车员:先生,车号在这个位置,液晶显示。Crew: Sorry, Sir. The number is displayed here, on the screen.
.旅客:你好,我视力不好,您帮我看看。Passenger: Excuse me, I have bad eye sight. Could you please check it for me?列车员:哦,请拿好您的车票,您乘坐的是D31次,在站台对面。
Crew: Of course, please hold your ticket. Your train is D31, it ' s on the other side of
.旅客:哪里可以吸烟? Passenger: Excuse me, where can I smoke?列车员:站台上可以吸烟,请您 不要走得太远。
Crew: Sorry, you can only smoke on the platform. Please do not go too far away.
.旅客:几点开车? Passenger: Excuse me, when does the train leave?
列车员:13 : 50,请注意开车铃声。Crew: At 13:50. Please pay attention to the warning bell.
.旅客:我可以到外面走走吗? Passenger: May I go out for a walk?列车员:当然可以,但注意不要误 了车。 Crew: Sure , but please don ' t miss the train
.旅客:还有多长时间开车? Passenger: Excuse me, how much time ' s left before leaving? 列车员:还有3分钟,您抓紧时间上车吧。
Crew: Three minutes. Please hurry up.
Passenger: Excuse me, could you tell me what ' s the number of my seat?
Crew: Let me check for you. Your seat is . It ' s a VIP seat. This way, please. This is
your seat.
.旅客:等会我,别关门。Passenger: Hold on, please. Please keep the door :您好,这 次列车时开往天津的C2021次,您看好车票,别坐错车。
Crew: Hello. This train C2021 leaves for Tianjin. Please check your ticket and don the wrong train.
.旅客:我有卡,坐几号车?Passenger: I have a fast pass. Whi


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