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文档介绍:A Brief Introduction to
English Literature
By Tiger He
Ancient Literature
Compared to the long history of Europe, GB has a relatively shorter one, so it is impossible to know well the history of English literature without knowing about the one of Europe.
The two origins of European culture: “二希”(希腊Greece、希伯来Hebrew), they are interactive as well as contradictory in the long history
1. Greco-Roman Element (希腊罗马因素)
2. Judeo-Christian Element ( 犹太教与基督教因素)
The idea of Humanism and almost all the artistic spirits of the modern literature in Europe originate from them
To explore the origin, you will find the answers of many questions and mysteries on literature.
A. Greco-Roman Origin (1)
“Man” or “human” is the core and object of Greek and Roman culture
To emphasize that “man”, opposite to “nature” and “society” is powerful and wise though often submissive to “fate”, ancient Greek literature sang highly to individualism and affirm the secular life (世俗生活)and the value of individual life
A. Greco-Roman Origin (2)
Artistic Styles: Greek and Roman literature is the source of almost all types of literature.
Myths: Greek and Roman Mythology. They reflected the life in the matriarchal and patriarchal society.
(1) Old Pedigree:
Chaos---Uranus & Gaea--- 12 Titans , 3 Giants and 3 Furies;
Cronus & Rhea---Zeus, Poseidon and Hades
A. Greco-Roman Origin (3)
(2)New Pedigree: (MAJOR) Greek . Roman
Zeus (King of Olympus, Jupiter),
Hera (Queen, Juno),
Poseidon (God of the Sea, Neptune),
Hades (God of the Underworld, Pluto),
Hestia (goddess of family, Vesta),
Demeter (goddess of agriculture, Ceres),
Athena (Goddess of war and wisdom, Minerva),
Apollo (God of the sun, Apollo),
Ares (God of war, Mars),
Hephaestus (God of fire, Vulcan),
Hermes (Messenger, Mercury),
Aphrodite (Goddess of love, Venus),
Artemis (Goddess of the moon, Diana)
A. Greco-Roman Origin (4)
(MINOR) Eros (god of love, Cupid),
Dionysus (god of wine, hus),
the Grace