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文档介绍:FedEx Procedures for
Testing Packaged Products
150 lbs. or Less
As the industry leader, FedExsets the highest
standard for testing procedures to help ensure
your packages reach their destination safely.
FedEx package testing procedures are based on
factual industry data, as well as international
testing procedures and standards to provide
the most reliable package test possible. Should
you have any questions concerning any of the
information in this brochure, contact the FedEx
Packaging Design and Development department
at .
Procedure for Testing Packaged Products 150 lbs. or Less
Package closure performance is also a test criterion. Packages will be opened and contents inspected only after
completion of the entire test procedure, unless obvious damage is noted during or after an individual test component.

Electronic, Powered 1) Free-Fall Drop Test Procedure
and Medical Items 2) Compression Test
3) Random Vibration Sequence
Non-Electronic, 1) Free-Fall Drop Test Procedure
Powered and 2) Compression Test
Medical Items 3) Rotary Vibration Sequence
Flat Packages 1) Free-Fall Drop Test Procedure MUST BE: Shortest dimension
2) Rotational Edge Drop less than or equal to 8 inches,
3) Full Rotational Flat Drop next shortest dimension at
4) Concentrated Impact least four times the length of
5) Compression Test shortest dimension
6) Rotary or Random Vibration, if applicable
Elongated Packages 1) Free-Fall Drop Test Procedure MUST BE: Longest dimension