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上传人:wz_198613 2021/8/25 文件大小:4.51 MB




文档介绍:Last Sunday was Tree Planting Day. Some students decided to plant some trees in the mountains. In the morning they met at the school they went there by bus. When they got there,they began to plant trees. Some dug holes, some planted trees, and others watered the trees. They worked very hard until they came back home in the very late afternoon. They were very tired but they felt very happy.
Now pollution is becoming more and more serious. In the pictures, we can see many factories are giving out harmful gases and pour the polluted water into the river. It’s very bad for us to breathe in so much harmful air and drink the polluted water. Besides, people are cutting down a lot of trees every year. More and more animals are dying out each day. I think we should try to take some steps to protect our environment, or we won’t have a better place to live any more in the future.
Last Sunday was a sunny day. I went to the park to play basketball with my friends. We were playing happily when suddenly Peter fell over and hurt his leg. We carried him to the hospital at once. The doctor looked over his leg carefully, and said his leg was broken. He needed to stay in bed for some time. We felt very sorry for him. Next time we should be more careful when we play basketball. Now we take turns to go to help him with his lessons in the hospital. He feels very happy and gets much better now.
It was Sunday. Tom was doing his homework at home while his father was reading the newspaper. After a while, his father fell asleep. He felt very began to play computer games. Suddenly his father woke up. His father was very angry and shouted at him. Tom said sorry to him. He promised that he would never do it again and work hard at his lessons.
Last month Peter failed in the math exam. He was very sad and cried.
The teacher encouraged him to work hard at his lessons.
After that, he made up his


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