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上传人:wz_198613 2021/8/26 文件大小:297 KB




文档介绍:On Saturday morning,it’s sunny and warm. There are two beautiful birds standing on a tree. One bird is blue. He is a boy. One bird is red. She is a girl. She wears a green bowknot.
The blue bird says:” Oh my dear, I love you very much.”
The red bird says:” I love you too.”

They are very happy!
Last Sunday, Mom and I went to the zoo. I saw a lot of colorful birds there,They were red, yellow, brown, black, blue and green… And the birds’ voice was very nice; they could sing very beautiful songs. I fed them with bread, I like birds.
One afternoon in summer, it’s sunny and very hot. White clouds fly in the blue sky, There are some green palm trees on the beach. Under the trees,a lion lies on a pink beach chair. He is having a sunbath. The lion wears blue sun-glasses—it’s so cool! He feels pleased and comfortable. He is thinking now:“What am I going to have for dinner?beef or pork?”
I have a good friend. It’s a dog. It has a big mouth, big eyes and short ears. It has grey hair. It’s name is Huihui. It’s very cute. I like to play with it when school is I like to talk with it. It’s really a good friend to me.
One afternoon in summer, there is a boy and a girl in the library. they are sitting on the floor. The girl is very lovely. She has long brown hair. She is wearing a pink dress and pink shoes, and her name is Lucy. The boy’s name is Sam, He is wearing a blue t-shirt and blue pants, and he has short black hair. There are many different kinds of books on the shelf: Math books,music books, story books ,picture books and magic books. Sam and Lucy are reading a magic book.
Sam says:“ Oh my God,look,the book is shining!”
Lucy says: “Yes, It’s shining, what did you do, Sam?”
Sam says: “I don’t know. I didn’t do anything.”
Lucy says: “How amazing!”
They are very surprised about this.
One afternoon in summer, it’s sunny, white clouds float in the sky. Three boys are playing football on the playground; there are many


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