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上传人:wxc6688 2021/9/14 文件大小:2.77 MB




I would like to extend my sincere thanks to those who have offered me great help when I
write this report.

First of all, my deepest gratitude goes to supervisor Haoyan Zhao, who has provided a lot of
insightful and invaluable advises in my writing. Without her meticulous and patient guidance on
the macro-structure and micro-errors, this report can never be accomplished so smoothly.

Furthermore, I would like to express my appreciation to all the teachers who have played a
significant role during my two-year student life in Capital University of Economics and Business.
They have taught me a lot about the essence and glamour of translation.

Then, I am also so grateful to my classmates who have worked together with me to
accomplish this project. Based on their painstaking efforts to proofread my part, the translation
text can be rendered in good quality.

Last but not least, I would extend my heartfelt thanks to my beloved family for their
constant support and understanding.

The advancement of the economic globalization has brought more and more trade contacts
between Chinese and foreign companies, which means that both parties need more legal
protection. The translation of legal texts, as an important tool for protecting the companies’ rights
and interests, could help people to better understand the laws of your partners’ host countries,
which results in the increasing needs in translated legal documents. As we all know, translation is
a cross-language and cross-cultural communication activities. Therefore, the loss of information
in the source language of the legal texts is in


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