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文档介绍:Acknowledgments would like tothank allthose who have given me theirgenerous mitment and enthusiasm, which have been themajor driving force plete the current paper. Firstofall,1 would like toexpress my deep gratitude Zhiqiang,my supervisor,whose erudition hasproved tobegreatly beneficial tome hisenormous patience andprecious advices thathelp me plish my graduate studies and thisthesisinparticular. would like toexpress my appreciation toallmy teachers inFaculty ofInternationalStudies,who have taught me inthese profound knowledge indifferent fields conducive tothewriting of ,special thanks tomy family and whose loveandsupport thethesiscame iIltoexistence. 摘要《塔中恋人》是英国小说家托马斯·哈代的一部罗曼史与幻想小说,本部小说的翻译由笔者与其他六位同学共同完成,笔者承担其中的第三十二至第三十五章。本报告一共分为四个部分。第一部分为任务描述,主要介绍了本项目的来源和项目意义,并对此次的翻译源文本内容及作者情况进行了进一步的说明。报告的第二部分为主要理论依据及应用,主要阐述了此次研究的理论基础,并依照诺德的翻译取向的文本分析模式对翻译文本进行了详细的文本分析。第三部分是翻译过程描述,主要选取了翻译过程中典型的翻译实例,阐述了根据不同的内容性质笔者所选取的不同的翻译方法, 主要涉及天文知识的翻译、文化信息的翻译和长难句的翻译等。最后一部分为总结,主要描述了笔者通过此次翻译实践的一些心得体会,包括此次翻译的经验、译者的素养和尚待解决的问题。关键词:《塔中恋人》(第32至35章);诺德的翻译取向的文本分析模式;文化信息; 长难句 ABSTRACT Two on aTower one ofThomas Hardy’S famous romantic novel CO。translated by the author ofthepresent reportand other author responsible forthetranslation ofchapters 32 to35and thisthesistakeshertranslation astheanalysis materials. This thesis consists offourchapters:Chapter One introduces thistranslation program,including the orion and significance ofthisprogram and thebriefintroduction ofthis noveland Two explains themain ideas ofNord’S translation—oriented textanalysis model and based on thismodel this chapter analyzes thesource text Three discusses thetranslation methods used inthis translationprogram with specificexamples,mainly thetranslation ofastronomical knowledge,cultural information and those long and Four aconclusion about thistranslation program,including