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文档介绍:中国南方航空有限公司危机公关招聘主办:中国南方航空承办:西北大学公共管理学院南航介绍 who we are 职位背景 the background 招聘职位 what we want 所需经历 what we need 待遇福利 the salary and the welfare Apply now !! 中国南方航空股份有限公司(简称南航),是国内运输航班最多、航线网络最密集、年客运量亚洲最大的航空公司。南航先后联合重组、控股参股多家国内航空公司,是首家加入国际航空联盟的中国内地航空公司。南航与中国国际航空股份有限公司和中国东方航空股份有限公司合称中国三大航空集团。 China southern airlines (referred to as "southern"), is the most densely populated, most domestic transport flight route network, passenger Numbers in Asia's largest airline. China southern has joint anization, holding in several domestic airlines. It was the first one to join the international airline alliance airlines in mainland China. China southern airlines and Air China co., LTD. And China Eastern airlines co., China's big three airlines group. 南方航空介绍: China southern airlines to introduce : 5 China southern airlines, is the only one who operating large airliner A380 in China, and the first operation of airlines Boeing 787 "dream liner “. Also , southern airlines is the SKYTRAX four-star airline, the China's largest passenger traffic, transport aircraft, the most developed work, the highest safety star airlines. 中国南方航空,是中国唯一一家运营 A380 超大客机、首家运营波音 787 “梦想飞机”的航空公司,是 SKYTRAX 四星航空公司, 是中国年客运量最大、运输飞机最多、航线网络最发达、安全星级最高的航空公司。南方航空介绍: China southern airlines to introduce : 招聘背景: 当今是信息时代,信息的流通和传递速度极快。南方航空公司最为国内最大的航空公司,具有向客户及社会传达及时准确信息的责任和义务。同时,当突发事件及企业运行遇到危机时,为了避免和减轻外界虚假猜测和不良信息所带来的严重损害和威胁,公司必须有专业专门的人才来出面家恰当处理紧急事件。 Today is the information age, the flow of information and the transfer is very fast. Southern airlines is the most of country's largest airline, has to convey to the customers and the social responsibility and obligation of timely and accurate information. At the same time, es across the emergencies crisis and during the enterprise operation, to avoid and reduce the false guessing and false information which can bring the serious damage and threats. pany must have a professional dedicated to deal with emergencies. The background : 为此,公司需要专业人才组