Start off with a bang and end wth a
形容一个人行事时,一开始声势浩大,颇有"力拔山河气盖世"之风,然而一旦临事,却落得草草了解的收场,.我们就说他是"Start off with a bang and end with a whimper."(虎头蛇尾,雷声大雨点小.) 举例来说,当年美国参议员哈特欲竞选美国总统宝座之时,衣服雷神万钧的架势,后来去卷入了桃色丑闻,被迫黯然退出选举,正可说是这句谚语的最佳写照.
The head is of a tiger, the tail is of a snake.
Bright beginning, dull finish.
Good beginning makes a bad ending.
Good to begin well, better to end well.
Well begun is half done.
A: How's your diet going?
B: Well, I cheated a little last Monday and had a banana ice cream cone.
A: Well, cheating one time is not too bad. B: Wednesday, I had a piece of chocolate cake. A: times is not terrible. B: However, I had a piece of pie last night. A; Now, that is what I call starting off with a bang and ending with a whimper.
甜言蜜语 Sweet talk.
英语理有一句俗语说:"The bait hides the hook." (鱼饵藏钓) 意即每句甜言蜜语的背后,必然怀代特殊的用意,不外是用以威胁,利诱之类. soft soap 也是指阿谀馅媚的言辞,和sweet ,绵绵情话,则需用sweet nothings一词来加以形容了.
# She was accustomed to flattery and elaborate sweet talk. # He sweet-talked his sister into helping him with his homework. # It is obvious he uses soft soap to get his own way. # The sweet nothing that men whisper into my ear don't mean a thing to me. # He that speakers me fair and loves me not, I'll treat him fair and trust him not.
A: Hi, you look really beautiful today.
B: I do? Thank you. What a nice thing to say.
A: Oh, and by the way, that was a great dinner you fixed last night. B: It was? But we had liver last night and you usually hate liver. A: But you're such a wonderful cook that the liver tasted great. B: I know when someone is sweet-talking me. What do you want? A: Could I borrow your car tonight? And $20?
马故友 A buddy from my old stomping grounds.
如在眼前,只有嗟叹时光 一去难倒流,不知昔日青梅竹马的老友,如今安在载? 想当年,我们一
He is a friend from the old neighborhood. 他是故乡老友.