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《兔波氏杆菌fimN蛋白间接ELISA抗体检测方法的建立 Establishment of indirect ELISA for the antibodie detection of Bordetella bronchiseptica in rabbits with binant fimN as coating antigen》.pdf.pdf

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《兔波氏杆菌fimN蛋白间接ELISA抗体检测方法的建立 Establishment of indirect ELISA for the antibodie detection of Bordetella bronchiseptica in rabbits with binant fimN as coating antigen》.pdf.pdf

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《兔波氏杆菌fimN蛋白间接ELISA抗体检测方法的建立 Establishment of indirect ELISA for the antibodie detection of Bordetella bronchiseptica in rabbits with binant fimN as coating antigen》.pdf.pdf


文档介绍:第35卷第11期 2013年11月中国预防兽医学报 Chinese Journal ofPreventive Veterinary Medicine doi:— 兔波氏杆菌fimN蛋白间接ELI SA抗体检测方法的建立刘燕,章春桃,韦强,鲍国连+,肖琛闻,季权安(浙江省农科院畜牧兽医研究所,浙江杭州310021) 摘要:为建立兔波氏杆菌(Bb)的快速检测方法,本研究采用纯化重组兔Bb fimN蛋白作为包被抗原建立了间接ELISA抗体检测方法。通过优化反应条件,确定其检测临界0D。。检测结果显示,该方法对兔 Bb标准阳性血清检测的敏感性为1:216;而与兔巴氏杆菌、兔出血症病毒阳性血清无交叉反应。重复性试验表明, 其组内和组间变异系数均小于10%。采用建立的间接ELISA方法对浙江省5家兔场采集的150份兔血清样品的检测阳性率为55%。该方法的建立为进一步研发兔Bb ELISA诊断试剂盒提供了实验依据。关键词:兔波氏杆菌;fimN蛋白;ELISA 中图分类号:$ 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(2013111- Establishment ofindirect ELISA fOr theantibodie detection ofBordetella bronchiseptica inrabbits binant fimN as coatlncl antJqen LIU Yan,ZHANG Chun—tao,WEIQiang,BAO Guo—lian+,XIAO Chen—wen,JI Quan—an (Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Institute,Zhejiang Academy ofAgricultural Sciences,Hangzhou 310021,China) Abstract:To establish arapid detection protocol fortheantibody detection ofBordetella bronchiseptica inrabbits,the indirect ELISA was developed with thepurified binant fimN protein ascoating theoptimized reaction condition,the cut-off value was results showed thattheELISA was specific todetect theantibody against at a sensitivity of1:216dilutions forthepositive no cross reaction tothepositive sera ofPasteurella multocida and rabbit hemorrhagic disease coefficients ofinter-assay and