文档介绍:文献翻译姓名:唐艺学号: 12251073 班级:运输 1201 指导教师:翁金贤 Lane drops downstream of signalized intersections are found on many urban and suburban streets and highways. The short lane is typically under-utilized at the intersection since drivers avoid using the short lane due to the potential for stressful merges downstream of the signal. This unconventional geometric configuration downstream of the lane drop intersection affects intersection capacity and operations. The current Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) does not take into account downstream lane drop conditions, thereby resulting in significant discrepancy between the HCM defaults and field observed lane utilization factors (LUF). 许多城市和乡村街道和公路的信号交叉口处都会有出口展宽,而短车道未被典型应用于交叉口是因为司机由于信号在出口的强制性合流而避免使用短车道。这种交叉口的出口展宽的非传统的几何结构影响了交叉口的通行能力和管理。现行的 HCM 没有考虑出口展宽的情况,因此,导致了 HCM 默认值与实测车道使用因数(LUF) 之间的重大矛盾。 The primary objectives of this research were to identify whether and byhow much lane drops affect performance of actuated signalized intersections under various traffic demand levels and lane drop geometries. The research developed LUF prediction models by intersection type from data on traffic, signal and intersection geometry collected in the field. The developed models imply that the downstream lane length and traffic intensity are positively correlated with the LUF and that other geometric variables at the approach may also influence lane utilization. A