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security, reliability and privacy of information; labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; training: establishment of
security, reliability and privacy of information; labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; system: responsible for prepari


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