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文档介绍:示在于:中国在社会主义初级阶段要坚持向资本主义学****同时坚持摒弃资本主义一切腐朽的东西,防止走改旗易帜的邪路;要坚持把马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实际相结合,走具有中国特色的社会主义道路,而防止走封闭僵化的老路。。关键词:胡绳社会主义道路帝国主义资本主义 2 Abstract Hu Sheng is one ofthemost influentialMarxism theorists ofcontemporary China. Since hisyouth hood,he had been devoted tostudyMarxism—Leninism theory,and had made thorough consideration intothe issue about what path China should two important texts inthe period ofrevolution and construction are Imperialism and Chinese PoliticsandMarxism and theReform and Opening,which explore themajor issues thatwhat road theChinese should take,and have made amaj orcontribution to open up thesocialist road with Chinese and the world have a close relationship since modern times and theimperialist aggression has changed the direction ofChina's such circumstance,Chinese people had tofind acorrect road ofrevolution and construction which was suitable forthenational conditions,and atfn-stthey must consider the issue about how tocorrectly understand and dealwithcapitalism,which was also akey factor toaffecting China's roadselection. TIlisthesisconducts acomparative study oftheabove—mentionedtwo texts ofHu Sheng, taking intoconsideration the interactive relationship between Hu Sheng’S personal experience and hisattitudes 011capitalism thesisattempts to sort out themain contents ofHu Sheng’S socialism roadthought, analyzes the reasons for itsformation and itscharacteristics,and finallypoints out the theoretical and practical significance theintroductionand the conclusion,the whole thesisisdivided into fourchapters. In the introduction part,the positive evaluation of domestic and overseas scholars towards Hu Sheng’S academic thought isintroduced inthe thesignificance and status quo ofthisresearch are presented·The research ideas aswell astheresearch methods are pointed outinthe end. Chapter one makes abriefintroductio