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文档介绍:Abstract Metadiscourse as arelatively new concept inthefieldof discourse analysis,paid more attention on by agrowing number ofacademic researchers,has e thefocus of the stylistic researches have been proved the importance of metadiscourse in different ,some researchers mainly have done sufficient researches on how to use vocabulary,grammar and acomplete sentence about students’writing,although others have converted todiscourse level,they only focus on grammar means ofwritings and thegeneration ,they neglect the other lmportant aspect munication--readers,writers should make the interaction between writers and readers through theirwritings. The abstract as aspecial genre summarizes thefull text and conveys the essence of theentire paper,the wording ofthe statement inwriting abstracts should beobjective, accurate and ,the paper randomly selected 50 excellent English abstracts ofnational outstanding master dissertations as acorpus,According toHyland interpersonal metadiscourse classification model thefunction of metadiscourse depend on contextual factors,the ofmetadiscourse marks focus on the function inthe specific study uses themanual method tolabel metadiscourse features,avoiding themechanization ofstatisticalsoftware. This study aims toanalyze metadiscourse analysis inthedistribution and the use of specific features on English abstracts ofmaster’S research finds thatthe frequency ofinteractive element ishigher than the interactional metadiscourse inthe abstracts(%:%),that indicates thewriters inwriting are more emphasis on the construction ofdiscourse,transferring ideas by the construction ofthe discourse, however,they relatively lack ofthe munication between readers and isthe highest frequency ofthe metadiscourse markers inabstracts, followed by Hedges and framework marker,that is(%:%:%):the abstract should reflect


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