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文档介绍:华中科技大学硕士学位论文 II 展的区域因素和自身条件因素。第四部分包括第五、六、七章,是问题的解决部分。根据前四章内容的总结分析, 在第五章先从城乡一体化的角度确定城郊型农村的发展方向,产业定位、生态建设要求等,再立足于自身条件来发展特色经济、整合土地利用、完善配套服务设施、建设良好的生态景观、构建特色社会文化体系。第六章介绍了武汉市汉南区新农村规划的实例,用以解释说明第四章的理论体系。第七章是对本文的的总结和展望。关键词:城郊型农村城乡一体化立足农业规划对策华中科技大学硕士学位论文 III Abstract Countryside is the hinese social unit for hundreds of years. While as the results of the two-dimensional dissymmetry structure ofcities andcountryside andcapital accumulation caused by the policy which let a certain part of people (in the cities) to be rich first, the countryside is weakened, and thefarmers, as a huge social group, are been marginalized. In the background,New Countryside Constructionis put forward to re-balance the group which has been victims for a long period of time. With the development of the cities, the urban land use scalespread, the suburban countryside is annexed, and a lot of problems of society, economy and e into being. For example, thefood security caused bycultivated areadecrease,urban operating cost increase、social problems caused by the land requisition and relocation、 destroy of ecological environment. So the development of the Suburban Countryside should rely on the cities, base itself upon the agriculture, develop variety industries including the farm products processing industry and service industry, to remedy the inadequacy of traditional rural economy, develop the countryside, stable the social structure and improve the ecological environment. In this paper, basing upon the agriculture and taking the Wuhan City Hannan District as an example, it is analyzed that how to develop the suburban countryside and the cities they rely on through the urban-rural integration, how to transform the traditionalagriculture to modernize the suburban countryside economy, and at the same time remain the original rural social structure and maintain the balance of ecological environment,how to make policy to develop the suburban countryside basing upon agriculture, and achievemax


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