文档介绍:: .
Agricultural Products Price Risk Agricultural Products Price Risk
Management in ChinaManagement in China : .
1. 1. 背景介绍背景介绍/Introduction /Introduction
2. 2. 演变的中国价格风险管理体系演变的中国价格风险管理体系/Evolving /Evolving
PRMPRM SSystemystem in Chinain China
3. 3. 中国的期货市场中国的期货市场//Futures Market in ChinaFutures Market in China
4. 4. 未来发展方向和挑战未来发展方向和挑战/Future Direction /Future Direction
and Chaand Challengesllenges
2 : .
1. 1. 背景介绍:商品价格风险背景介绍:商品价格风险
•• Risk resulting from the possibility that the price of a Risk resulting from the possibility that the price of a
physical commodity may be volatilephysical commodity may be volatile
•• The derivatives like commodity futures and options, The derivatives like commodity futures and options,
forward contracts and commodity swaps can be used forward contracts and commodity swaps can be used
to cope with itto cope with it
•• Commodity price risk man