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文档介绍:语言学与应用语言学学术论文英文摘要的写作 How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 《中国外语》(双月刊), CSSCI 来源期刊?感谢各位专家、同行过去 5年多来对《中国外语》的大力支持! ?希望专家、同行继续支持、帮助我们! ?《中国外语》宗旨:立足改革、高扬创新? / ******@pub. ?感谢上海海事大学提供这次学术交流的机会! 几本参考书?黄国文、 M. Ghadessy (2008 )《英语学位论文写作教程》,高等教育出版社(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)。?黄国文、张美芳、 M. Ghadessy (2006 )《英语学术论文写作》,重庆大学出版社(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)。?黄国文、王宾、林裕音(出版中/2011 )《英语专业毕业论文写作手册》,上海外语教育出版社。 Outline ? 1 Introduction ? 2 Structure of an Abstract ? 3 Questions on the Abstract ? 4 Elements of structure in an Abstract ? 5 The language of an Abstract ? 6 Summary 1 Introduction ? An essay may be based on what is termed as common knowledge or the personal experiences of a student, but a research paper should draw upon a number of other primary and secondary sources of information plete the project. ? Writing a research paper is plex and demanding task. It requires a lot of planning and preparation before the final copy is produced. ? A research paper can be written on any topic/subject under the sun. The level of required research for a paper depends on many factors. ? Because of its importance in academic writing, a research paper has a special form/format that has to be followed if one is to get a good grade from the instructor marking the paper or have the paper published/accepted. ? Each section and sub-section should be clearly marked. ? This is done by using different names/labels for the sections and sub- sections of the paper. ? For example, the paper has a Method section that is further sub-divided into Data Collection and Methodology. ? Experts on the subject have proposed slightly different formats for the paper but a general format may consist of Abstract , Introduction, Background , Previous Studies , Method , Results , Discussion , Conclusions , and References . 2 Structure of an Abstract ? An Abstract of a research paper is the first source of information for a would-be reader. ?


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