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文档介绍:南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 i 摘要本文从对吕凤子的人生目的研究入手,对其绘画创作思想和艺术教育思想、绘画风格、绘画创作方法以及在绘画本体方面所作出的贡献进行了较为全面而深入的探讨,主要内容有: 一、依据吕凤子的人生历程将吕凤子的绘画创作分为四个发展阶段, 从而对吕凤子创作思想和画风的发展路径做了初步的叙述; 二、在此基础上,进一步论述吕凤子以“人”为中心的创作及其教育理念,论证吕凤子完全是把成立完全的人格作为艺术创作的终极目标的; 三、对吕凤子关于自然主义、教化主义、无相主义的“三宗论”和意、情、力的绘画本体论思想进行了初步的研究,指出其理论的创新来自于深广的儒、佛、道和西方哲学、美学渊源; 四、从吕凤子的作品分析入手,对其画风进行研究,论证了吕凤子绘画以传统文人画为基,融摄西方艺术和中国民间艺术营养的创新性;与时俱进的时代性以及为艺的真诚性; 五、从题材、笔墨、造型及章法等方面对吕凤子的绘画创作方法进行了深入探讨,进一步揭示出吕凤子画风的个性特征。关键词: 吕凤子中国画教育思想创作思想绘画风格创作方法吕凤子及其绘画艺术研究 ii ABSTRACT This text studied the first purpose of Lvfengzi's life and the thoughts of his art , the special features of his chin ese traditional painting carry on a more thorough research and the characteristic s of his paintings on ontology aspect particularly ,the main contents of the full text is as follows: The study that the stages of Lvfeng zi's painting to Lvfengzi's some important turns of the lif e process divide hi s painting creations as four stages, research the processi on and the reason on how it springed up and growing of his creation ,and talk about the topic and contents of the creations . The study on the relationship of paintings ,teachings,and run a school with the person .The text considerded that th e person is the core of the end purpose of his life by a thorough re search on the painting t houghts and works, education thoughts and his teaching career. The research of the source,formation and development and main standpoint of Lvfengzi's art think that the foundation of his thought is stand by the Confucianism,the Buddhism and the Ta oist 's integral, and carried on a research on the relation of the art and the life,three styles,and th e relation of idea, affections and the power of conducted brush etc . The study on the special features of ontology. The research was carried on the special choice of topi c,the brave innovation of the pen and ink ,the shape method with beautiful and position with meticulous and so on seve