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文档介绍:Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer ISO 868:2003 Brinell hardness Vickers hardness Rockwell hardness Barcol hardness Mohs hardness · The definition of shore hardness · The classify of shore durometer · Test principle · Test specimens · Test procedure · Calibration Shore hardness is a measure of the indentation resistance of elastomeric or soft plastic materials based on the depth of ration of a conical indentor. Hardness values range from 0 (for full ration) to 100 (for no ration). type A shore durometer type D shore durometer A specified indenter is forced into the test material under specified conditions and the depth of ration measured . The indentation hardness is inversely related to the ration and is dependent on the modulus of elasticity and the viscoelastic properties of the material .


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