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Unit3知识点梳理 牛津译林版八年级英语上册.docx

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Unit3知识点梳理 牛津译林版八年级英语上册.docx

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Unit3知识点梳理 牛津译林版八年级英语上册.docx


文档介绍:8A U3 A day out
知识点1:写作专题:外出的一天A big day out
厂)1. We are planning a day out on...
} 2. This is the pla cheaper; as good as
D. a more important; not as good as
-Dad, when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me two days ago.
-I'm sorry, Jean. But I think I'll have a holiday soon.
A. four-days B. four-day C. four days D. four day
-Shall we go camping to celebrate our graduation?
- . Let's make a plan first.
A. No way B. Good idea C. It*s nothing don't think so
My e-friend will come here by plane. So I'm going to meet her at the a .
Please tell me if you (to get or accept sth.) my present that I sent you by post last week.
What an (令人惊叹的)view! I can't believe my eyes.
Most young people now cook (糟糕地)because they never learn to cook.
I can only take one of you to the cinema because I have only one (票)left.
Who can see the (美)of this picture?
There is an old saying, 'A good (开端)is half done.
If a Chinese lives in a (夕卜国的)country, we will call him or her overseas Chinese.
Kitty and Simon (觉得)sick for most of the trip.
She always (观看)the sunset when she was a little girl.
want to learn (如何制作风筝)by myself.
My brother is (和 一样细心)you.
The students (迫不及待地)get on the bus.
you come to Beijing, I will (带你参观)the places of interest here.
couldn't (相信自己的眼睛)when I saw so many colourf