文档介绍:酷酷D德 SPEAKING Topic Card Practice
酷酷D德 SPEAKING Topic Card Practice
www .kukuspeak. com
www .kukuspeak. com
rtiseme nt is/was effective
Q What kinds of advertis ing can you find in your everyday life?
Q Do you think that here is too much advertising in our lives?
Q Do you thi nk that certa in products are better advertised particular ways?
Q Many people find advertis ing in formative. Others claim it just creates
dema nd for unn ecessary products and services. What do you think?
Q What con trols should there be on advertis ing?
酷酷SPEAKING Topic Card Practice
酷酷SPEAKING Topic Card Practice
www .kukuspeak. com
www .kukuspeak. com
卞酷酷dig SPEAKING Topic Card Practice
www .kukuspeak. com
Tell me about an ambiti on you have in life.
You should say:
what the ambiti on is
whether you really believe you will ever achieve it
what you must do in order to achieve it
and whether you will n eed any help.
Q What is your main ambiti on in life?
Q Do you think you will achieve your ambiti on?
Q Do you think that you are an ambitious pers on?
Q Are your frien ds/ family members ambitious?
Q Is it always good to be ambitious?
Q What do you see yourself doing in 5/10/20 years ' time?
酷酷□ SPEAKING Topic Card Practice
酷酷 D SPEAKING Topic Card Practice
www .kukuspeak. com
www .kukuspeak. com
卞酷酷dig SPEAKING Topic Card Practice
www .kukuspeak. com
Tell me about an ani mal.
You should say:
what the animal is and where it lives
what the ani mal looks like and how it behaves
how this ani mal is special
and expla in why you chose to talk about this ani mal.
Q Do you con sider people in your country to be “ ani mal lovers ”
Q Do you agree with using ani mals for experime nts?
Q If you could keep any animal in the world as a pet, which would you choose?
Q Do you think that we spe nd too much time and money in en vir onmen tal protecti on?
酷酷□ SPEAKING Topic Card Practice
酷酷 D S