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2022安娜卡列尼娜观后感 安娜卡列尼娜观后感.docx

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2022安娜卡列尼娜观后感 安娜卡列尼娜观后感.docx




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What am I ,why am here? What am I living for?when ,suddenly,it all became clear to ’d been living on spiritual truths that I’d drunk in with my mother’s milk,but I’d never acknowledged know what is right and wrong .I wasn’t taught was given to me,as it is to discovered merely opened my eyes to what I knew.
For me is too a man,I am a weapon,I may be of some ’t thing ill of have lost too I ask is to be able to remember Anna as she once was …when I first met try to bring back those moments,but I cannot see her can only see her laid oute in the railway shed where they took her.
This newfeeling has not changed has not made me happy and enlightened all of a sudden as I dreamed it like the way with y feeling for my shall still be unable to understand with my reason why I pray,and I shall still go on my life now … my whole life… independent of anything that can happen to me,every minute of it is no longer meaningle as it was before,but has a positive meaning of goodnet with which I have the power to invest it.