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英语7A Unit1 task 教案设计镇江新区大港中学赵德俭.doc

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英语7A Unit1 task 教案设计镇江新区大港中学赵德俭.doc

上传人:wltawn 2022/2/14 文件大小:958 KB


英语7A Unit1 task 教案设计镇江新区大港中学赵德俭.doc


文档介绍:Unit One This is me
镇江新区大港中学 赵德俭
Teaching contents: Main task
本节课旨在开展学生的各种语言技能和综合运用语言的才能,本着外部语言是内部开展的必要前提dog—Eddie to lead in the new class。(精品文档请下载)
T: I'll introduce my good friend to you。 Can you guess “who is it?”(精品文档请下载)
Step 2 Presentation
Task one Listening (play a guessing game)
1) T: Now you please listen to me carefully and guess “who is my friend?"(精品文档请下载)
2) Read together, then you please fill in the table。(精品文档请下载)
2) Before filling in the table. The teacher explains some words。(精品文档请下载)
T: let’s look at the table。
“Age” means “how old is Eddie。"
“Birthplace” means “where was Eddie born in?”
“Living place" means “where does Eddie live in now?"(精品文档请下载)
“He looks”, here “looks” is linking verb, means”看起来”(精品文档请下载)
Task two Read and fill
T: We know Eddie well, but what about Eddie's master.(精品文档请下载)
1) Read Millie’s profile, then fill in the tables
2) Read the table after the teacher。 Ask following questions.(精品文档请下载)
How old is Millie?
Where was Millie born in?
Where does Millie live in now?
What does Millie look like?
Does she have lots of friends?

本步设计了一张写作前要填的表格,通过阅读Millie的文章来填此表,理解并分解Millie的自我介绍,让学生初步看出写自我介绍的纲目。看表答复以下问题,进一步稳固、理解、前步呈现的生词同时初步口头操练文章里重要句式。夯实根底,为下面的说做好铺垫. (精品文档请下载)
Step 3 Practice
Task one Introduce Millie
T: Now you are Millie, please introduce yourself to us according to the table of Millie (give them some minutes to get ready for it)(精品文档请下载)
Step 4 Presentation
T: We know Millie well now, next we’ll get to know her friend—Daniel.(精品文档请下载)
Task one Read Daniel’s profile, and then fill in the table(精品文档请下载)
Task two Let students make a dialogue according to the table (One is Daniel, the other is his friend)(精品文档请下载)
Step 5 Practice
Task one Introduce Daniel
T: Now you are Daniel’s friends, please introduce your friend Daniel to us (give them some minutes to get ready f