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上传人:菲菲 2022/2/16 文件大小:35 KB




【篇一:自考英语 (二 )作文写作通用模版】
1 、利弊分析型作文模板:
思路: 1、描述现象 2、介绍观点(第二段,利;第三段,弊)
作者观点 /结论s.
generally speaking, there are several main advantages of ?
however, just as every coin has two sides, there is no
exception to the above-discussed issue of ? (介绍缺点) weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of . we are inclined to believe that the positive sides of outweigh its negative ones. therefore, we should make full use of its benefits. while on the other hand, we had better manage to avoid its harmful effects.
the chart gives us an overall picture of the changes in the ownership of houses. the first thing we notice is that state-owned houses ’ ratio is diminishing and provite houses increasing. this means that as time goes by, the proportion of occupied private houses is growing
we can see from the statistics given that state-owned house is 75% of total, which ratio was much higher than private houses in 1990. after 1990, the ratio on private house is increased as time. the figures also tells us that the increasing range on private house is much bigger in second 5 years than in first 5 years. in the second column of 2000, we can see that private house ratio accounts for 80% of total.
judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that private purchase of house becomes more and more. the
reason for this, as far as i am concerned is that people ’s income increases much more. it is high time that we should develop the economical housing construction to meet more private needs.

’ is

the chart gives us an overall picture of the (图表主题) . the
first thing we notice is that_increasing (图表最大特点) . this
means that as (进一步说明) .


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