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文档介绍:现代大学英语精读 1 课后答案
1 课后答案
目 录 1
、 Lesson 1
Half a Day 1 2
、 Lesson 2 Going Home 3 3
、 Lessoon.

Nobody could tell where the treasure was
The traffic will be very heavy on the road during the rush hour everyday.
He may have given her advice, but I doubt if
it does her any good.
What she learned at university proved useful in her research .
If he had waited for the traffic lights to change, he would not have been killed.
If not I had seen him at the party yesterday
evening ! Work 略 .
(1) 多给人原谅比多去谴责 (2) 如果我
们想要去爱 , 我们必须学会如何去原谅 .
3、 Lesson 3 Massage of the Land Answers
work (answers omitted) test 1) (1)
unfaithful (2) take out (3) talk over (4)
send for (5) sent away (6) send up 2) Put the
missing words (1) sick / ill (2) alone (3) out
(4) phone (5) on (6) until (7) church (8) only

(9) answered (10) needed (11) clever (12) save
(13) bit (14) now 3) Write the numbers in words.
(1) Two hundred and eight (2) One thousand five hundred / fifteen hundred (3) Seven thousand, one hundred and twenty-eight.
two dollars si_-five / two dollars and si_ty-five cents.
fourth (6) twenty-first (7) thirtieth (8)
one half, three quarters, four fifths work
(answers omitted) Work One possible
version: My parents were born, brought up and
married on this have been living there
through their got up at sunrise and retired
with their planted and reaped rice and
raised a few goats, cows and chickens which could
provide what they needed in their daily life..However,
the piece of lands was no longer fertile, bleeding
year after year, like them, getting old and
soil was not difficult to till when
there was a lot of rain, but in a bad year, it