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文档介绍:2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创 2 / 5
MBA推荐信十大技巧,本站还 2 / 5
how well you know the applicant. I was able to get to know Mr. Doe because he made it a point to attend two of my sections every week when only one was required. Ms. Smith reported directly to me for two years prior to her well-deserved promotion to the position of Assistant Campaign Manager
two to three qualities that you observed in the applicant. Jane has a rare blend of top writing and interpersonal skills. The combination of tenacity, analytical abilities, and good communications skills found in Mr. Doe is truly unique.
discussing those qualities, support your statements with specific instances in which he or she demonstrated those attributes. Be as concrete and detailed as possible He is the only student I ever had who came to all my office hours as part of a relentless, and ultimately successful, drive to master political theory. He was one of just ten percent in the class to receive an A. Because of Jane’s writing skills, I didn’t hesitate to ask her to write a report which was used by our PAC as the basis for a major policy statement. Congressman X eventually used the statement, based on Jane
2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创 3 / 5
’s sophisticated 20-page


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